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YAK MAT Environmentally Friendly


On March 26, 2024 | By The YAK ACCESS TEAM

Between heavy equipment rumbling in and out of the job site, tools digging into the soil and the loss of ground cover, construction activity kicks up a lot of dust. While grime is an inevitable byproduct of construction, dust control should be a high priority for builders. Not only does the control of dust from construction and demolition activities benefit the general public and the environment, but it also helps contractors keep their machinery in good condition. There are many techniques companies can use for construction site dust suppression, including timber access mats and related products. When used as dust control mats, these can be extremely useful for limiting the amount of fine particulate matter in the air.

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On March 21, 2024 | By The YAK ACCESS TEAM

There are many different types of access mats, each one serving a special and unique purpose. Depending on what the situation calls for, contractors may use one or more types of mats to improve the functionality of their vehicles and equipment while reducing their ecological footprint. Because there is so much variation among the different types of construction mats, knowing how to choose the right access mat is critical for achieving the desired results. With that in mind, here is some basic information to help you choose the best access mats for your project.

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Construction Project Management Solar powerline Pipeline


On January 16, 2024 | By The YAK ACCESS TEAM

Construction project management comes with a lot of unknowns, but the more you can reduce them, the better able you are to plan. The beginning of a project is the perfect place to start—you can’t get to work until access mats have been delivered. Streamlining mat delivery with modern solutions allows you to optimize crew schedules around delivery times and keep your site preparation plan on track. Using the YAK TRAK app gives you the visibility you need to manage site preparation for your next construction project. It’s as simple as opening the app to find out when mats have been picked up, how many are in the delivery, and what types of mats are in the order.

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Construction Project Management Solar

3 Solar Construction Project Management Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

On November 30, 2023 | By The YAK ACCESS TEAM

As solar construction continues to expand, many project managers are learning about common mistakes the hard way. Fortunately, many of these are avoidable via proper planning and having the right team in place. By learning from these mistakes—hopefully before you’ve made them—you can avoid them on your next solar project.

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Construction Project Management Solar powerline Pipeline

How to Estimate the Cost of Site Preparation for Your Next Project

On November 30, 2023 | By The YAK ACCESS TEAM

We have bad news for you: There is no stock formula for accurately determining site preparation costs for construction, power, and solar projects. Unique site conditions, project requirements, and local regulations are all contributing factors to the overall cost of site access. Unfortunately, the site access costs from your last project don’t translate to the next. The terrain could be wildly different, there might be protected species, or the temporary road could need to be a different length. If you can’t copy and paste from your last project, or if you have never dealt with site preparation, how do you estimate the costs? We have good news! You don’t have to do it on your own. The YAK ACCESS team has decades of experience with site access solutions across a broad range of industries and locations, so you can rely on our deep knowledge to get a quality proposal to incorporate into your overall project budget.

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EPZ Grounding Grates Keep Ground Crews Safe

On November 1, 2023 | By The YAK ACCESS TEAM

ELECTROCUTION IS A LEADING CAUSE OF DEATH AMONG CONSTRUCTION WORKER FATALITIES, ACCOUNTING FOR 8.5% OF TOTAL FATALITIES IN 2018. The primary cause of death over 50% of these fatalities was contact with live electrical equipment and wiring. Even though overhead electrical work has long held consistent standards, safety protocols for ground crews on de-energized sites are often more ad-hoc and improvisational, which means increased risk for workers.

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Construction Project Management

How to Help Avoid Change Orders on Your Next Site Access Project

On October 26, 2023 | By The YAK ACCESS TEAM

It’s almost a guarantee that there will be change orders during a construction or utility project. Although often associated with the construction phase, change orders can occur during the site access phase. Avoiding extra costs early in the project is one of the keys to staying on budget, which is why it’s so important to understand why change orders might occur on a site access project so you can prevent them from happening in the first place.

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Construction Project Management

Common Schedule Delays And What to Do About Them

On October 26, 2023 | By The YAK ACCESS TEAM

Construction delays are a fact of life at every stage of a project, including during construction access. The earlier a delay occurs, the more it can impact the overall timeline and budget, which is one reason why it’s so important to avoid construction access delays as much as possible. You can’t control the weather, crew members calling in sick, or a subcontractor’s schedule. However, understanding what you can control and preparing for unexpected scenarios will allow you to minimize delays and improve your chances of staying on schedule.

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Construction Project Management

How Early Site Access Planning Can Help Reduce Costs & Risk

On October 26, 2023 | By The YAK ACCESS TEAM

Every project manager in the construction, utility, or clean energy industry has experienced unexpected situations that cause project delays or impact the budget. While it’s impossible to plan for every eventuality, the more prepared you are, the better you’re able to mitigate risk. One of the keys to success is early site access planning.

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Access Solutions Renewable Energy matting solutions

What Types of Mats Are Needed for Renewable Energy Projects?

On October 25, 2023 | By The YAK ACCESS TEAM

Renewable energy projects—including both solar and wind—are on the rise, and the trend is expected to continue. This means more sites will be allocated for wind and solar farms in the coming years. Those sites will need to be accessed by crews and heavy machinery to install the equipment, and they will also need to be accessible for ongoing maintenance. Understanding the types of access mats best suited for these types of projects is important for project managers, especially during the early planning phases of a project.

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